From the Classroom to the Meeting Room
Whakatipu (growth) is a new eight-day course created by Outward Bound to make it easier for rangatahi to transition from education to employment, arming them with the right skills while lifting youth employability rates.
Held annually, the course is a new vocational pathway for rangatahi and co-designed with employers to ensure students gain the work-ready skills they need.
Outward Bound gathered employer and teacher feedback about a student's areas for growth before the course, and this is used to tailor the course delivery to their individual needs with targeted outcomes.
Consistent feedback from employers was about how rangatahi aren't work ready despite the employment prospects and the opportunities available to them.
Employers noted the key areas for growth are:
With the labour shortage crisis, employers look more and more towards a younger workforce and seek rangatahi that can learn the mindset and responsibilities that come with employment.
Throughout the Whakatipu course, there is dedicated time for reflection and group discussion, and one-on-one time with instructors.
It's a place where young people can learn team building, problem-solving, communication, leadership skills through outdoor challenges and activities that will push them to their limits – skills essential for successful employment.
One student who credits his time attending the Whakatipu course in August is Paddy Rangiwai-Evans.
Pre-Outward Bound, the year 13 Gisborne Boys' High School student attended a weekly trades programme to prepare him for a service career. Paddy hoped to join the NZ Defence Force (NZDF) in 2023.
"I felt privileged to attend the programme, it has changed my life. Rob was one of my course instructors, and he helped me to realise if I didn't change my approach to life, then the army wouldn't take me on. His words got stuck in my head. I knew I was going the gang’s way, and facing this truth at Outward Bound, broke me down.
“My watch mates were there for me; they supported me. I've made strong connections at Outward Bound, and since the course ended, I have met up with my watch mates, one of them I've seen at least 20 times.”
Paddy has since been offered a place in the NZDF from June 2023, and the 17-year-old credits the new course for this.
"Outward Bound gave me the fitness level to pass the NZDF test, to run 2.4 kilometres in under ten minutes.
“I've got fit, improved my teamwork, leadership and self-awareness skills, and I have a career in the army to look forward to. The course was much harder than I expected, but the challenges were worth it.”
NZDF Deputy Director Recruiting Ops, Major Albie Rothman, says that much like Outward Bound, the NZDF inspires its people to be better through challenge.
"This breeds the resilience needed in hostile environments on operations around the world. By partnering with Outward Bound, selected candidates gain the skills they need to start a career with the Defence Force."
Work ethic
Verbal communication skills
Analytical and critical thinking
Interpersonal skills
Initiative and enterprise
^ Victoria University of Wellington Student & Graduate Employability Skills Survey.
“The student we have nominated for Whakatipu has impressed us already through the Gateway programme. The skills he has developed since being part of the Whakatipu programme has helped him transition from school into the workforce. It has provided him with confidence, self-management, teamwork, and leadership skills. The time he spent reflecting has also been important.” - Steve McHardy, LT McGuiness
Our 8 day Whakatipu programme offers the iconic Outward Bound experience; a perfect balance of adventure, teamwork, challenge and reflection. Students have the time to consider their values, identify strengths and goals and work out what’s important.
Safe & supportive Learning environmentOutward Bound is absolutely committed to health and safety. We pride ourselves on rigorous and comprehensive safety systems and practices to ensure you are physically and emotionally safe at all times. We focus on the appreciation of strengths, interdependence, equality and responsibility for learning.
Facilitated LearningLearn by doing! Learn more about yourself and others through challenge, success and failure, self-reflection and feedback. Our course objectives are clear and transparent. Throughout the course, you will continuously reflect and review on your experience.
Working in a team/WhakawhanaungatangaAlongside the members of your ‘watch’, you will learn how to develop a group culture, celebrate team success and failure and understand how to use conflict and harmony constructively to strengthen your team.
Adventure & Wero/ChallengeOur courses are based on real adventure. It’ll be scary and uncomfortable at times, and there may be some risk involved. You will be pushed to your limits, physically, mentally and emotionally. Embrace the fear. We’ll help you overcome it.
Positive role modelsOur team are passionate and committed to your development. We select only the best in the business - a combination of skill, experience and ability with people. All courses are led by at least two instructors.
Significant PlaceMost activities will take place outdoors in areas that are unique and isolated and offers an opportunity to experience and connect with te ao tūroa / the natural world.